310649 - Auto putaway with setting 318148 - Print skublox license plate based on skublox preferences 319047 - Lot Numbers from unsellable bins on the bottom 317868 - ReceiveToLight Pallet Filter
304688 - Enter expiration date on FNSKU label 310937 - FBA box weight limit 308866 - Rush order symbol on picklist 308470 - Warehouse Region Filter on Credit Memo Module 311309 - Set Bin on Inventory Pull Work Order Admin - Ship Verify Containers Pickup 304459 - Search by description for PO 308824 - FBA and WFS picklist - filter by kit or non-kit items 308868 - Order picklist restriction 312499 - Fixed Display issues with receiving removals with lot numbers 312849 - Fixed crash when printing lot labels via RTC
295369 - Added ability to search RMAs by OrderSourceOrderID 295619 - Added Android API Level to SkustackDeviceList table
295749 - fixed slide to pick 296118 - added a hide/view toggle to the password field
295750 - fixed don't dismiss dialog on PO search
- fixed bug leaving PO Receive activity
285167 - Save Dimensions as Verified from 4DScale 294986 - Enforce RestockFromBin - Fixed WITR Details Activity to display the correct number of products 294831 - Fixed issue with UPC not being supported WorkOrderPicklistActivity 294643 - Added support for setting ExcludeBinsWithNoExistingWty to ReceiveContainers 293299 - Added predefined package types to box content activities 294207 - Added setting to Allow OverPick Restocklists 294101 - Fixed viewing lots from the side swipe menu of ProductWarehouseBinsActivity 293298 - Added ability based on setting to include the username that printed a picklist label 293467 - Fixed crash related to Create WorkOrder button 293467 - Fixed issue with picking one-way transfers - Added setting to enforce Restock Into Bin 293764 - Added filters to RestockLists
Added an error when trying to open the adjust dialog when the app setting to allow qty updates is disabled
289885 - Fixed the paging on VendorCentralShipments Picklists 290760 - Changed URL for warehouse images on ProductAttributesActivity so that it can work on Terriformer clients 290526 - Separated search and create new cycle count action 291481 - Added a warning to the user not to pick/receive again after a time-out before refreshing the page. 287575 - Fixed attaching a file to a ticket for terriformer clients 291159 - Added Floating Qty to case qty 289359 - fixed edit adjustment reason when adding a product to a bin 291805 - add checks to prevent settings from not being initialized. - Create a work order in skustack. - Add items to a work order and pick the qty at the same time - Added enforce restock putaway into bin setting - Login QR code focus on scan field - Handle SignalR outage in skustack
285234 - Allow edit alias - when disabled can still view
286426 - Get logo URL with image id
287172 - Fixed toast message display issue on large screens
285253 - Changed WITR to ship with a queued job if the number of products exceeds WebAppSettings.WITR_MaxItemsTOProcessWithoutJobWhenShippingOrUnShipping
269815 - Skublox Pick To Light - Sorting multiple quantity
288817 - Fixed the picture for toProduct in SkuToSkuTransferActivity
289228 - Fixed onRefresh for PoReceiveActivity With case mode
289885 - Fixed the paging on VendorCentralShipments Picklists
276380 - fixed container showing completed when wasn't 277658 - Preventing SKU to SKU transfer between kits in Skustack 277696 - TT - Add icon for slot swap in Skustack 277685 - Fixed WFS Box Contents Expiry Date 276333 - WFS shipment unpicking when parent and shadow are on the shipment 278796 - fixed Credit Memo Displays incorrect unit count
272465 - Added pagination to CM 265064 - Added WFS box content to skustack 273472 - Fixed ProductName display issue in the ShipVerify Advanced Activity Fixed LogExplorerActivity 272818 - Added ability to filter serials by notes 273704 - Added option to auto print FBA Label on receive PO 272946 - Added option to clear cache in order to get updated client settings 273492 - Parse ITF14 from DataBar Expanded 274346 - View flags on PO list item 272894 - Pull in the saved views for suggesting bin cycle counts 274933 - X button works for manage shadow or manage replacement has been Updated 275915 - Handle PO Title letter count increase in skustack 275772 - View full product name on long click 276163 - Fixed receiving container bug 276135 - Added link to product info and print option to the serial info page 275919 - Edit the region the bin is in
260466 - Added action to select which product identifiers to display in picklist activities 261187 - Added the option to be able to select the qty to print in the print ITF14 dialog
211456 - Added WFS, FBA, and Inventory Pull Work Orders to skustack
255597 - Fixed getting and setting Custom Product Columns
256795 - Added setting to display product name in bin adjust/transfer dialogs
- Fixed picklist sorting by bin suggestions for VendorCentral, CreditMemos, Kit-Based, POs, Kit Prep Sessions
231034 - Bin suggestions for expirable products based on first to expire
257010 - Changed the KitAssemblyStartDialog to accept a upc in addition to sku
199608 - After entering the sku, we verify that there is a matching product with the red x turning into a green checkbox, before submitting the image
258817 - Fixed issues with FBA autopickicking and printing kit labels
258840 - Fixed issues with serial numbers on kit assemblies when validate serials globally is disabled
260325 - fixed issues with picking replacements on kit work orders
258728 - When leaving the PO activity added a delay so we only send PO received email when actually leaving the activity
260254 - Added option to print Product Identifier labels from WFS Shipments
260450 - Added setting to auto print labels on receive PO
260477 - Skipping serial validation after a serial is scanned once
255317 - added serial list dialog to putaway list/ warehouse transfer add product dialog
255405 - added credit memo filters
Added option to get product details by serial number
255529 - FBA 2D Barcodes show FNSKU instead of ASIN 252405 -Skustack not re-focusing Skublox barcode field
256043 - Work Orders - Update when kit assembly is completed
255995 - Added OneWayTransfer TItle to ProductWarehouseBinMovement as Note
251653 - receiving container pagination
254259 - Added tracking number parser to Search PO Dialog
239369 - Added qty of results to the FindProductsListActivity
252319 - Added validation to ensure user isn't picking from the assembly bin when picking kit components
249102 - Added option to exclude bin suggestions with zero existing qty of the receive/putaway product
252472 - Added inventory, picking, and receiving filters to WITR Progress Activity and WITR Find more List Activity
253129 - Added a Search By Product ID option to the FBA Box Content Module
235975 - Added option to sort POs alphabetically by SKU
252956 - Added functionality to ShipVerify each package individually.
253239 - fixed images with '#' symbol not displaying
253445 - request focus when opening the rma search dialog
247234- Added setting to enable a warning before adjustments above a certain qty (default = 500)
211024- Added enhancement to prompt user with a warning and confirmation dialog before bulk PutAwayList creation.
247608- Added the option to enter a SKU manually in the CycleCountBinAuditActivity
247689- Added option to search all bins
247840- Fixed WFS unpicking error
- added ability to auto print FBA box label when picking an FBA picklist
247273- Don't remove dashes from serials when receiving
243494- Added option to print product labels from FBA Removal module
246232- Images not displaing for some images
248769- Fixed random Lot numbers on products
238636 - Use WH images on POS based on client setting
249087- Added ability to change isPrimary and IsSellable on a bin in skustack
165388 - Added setting to auto print FNSKU label on pick item on FBA Shipment
240918 - option to search by all Restocklists
245585 - scan serial to open product pick dialog (warehouse transfers, FBA shipments, WFS, Vendor central)
245803 - Fixed Add Product to Bin Dialog to populate adjustment reason to movement notes in sellercloud
246701 - Resolved FindVendorCentralShipmentsActivity Null Exception bug
- Spanish translation - Fixed requiring adjustment reasons with lot numbers, and adding qty to bin with reason - Fixed finding product in fba removal by LPN if the product in the order is a shadow - Added reprint Skublox order barcode dialog with option to adjust qty - Added setting to not allow manage aliases - Added unit of measure support to bin dimensions
233602 - lot number not showing up in more lots search and no option to add a new lot number with same exp date 231514 - Fixed Images with spaces on FBA and WFS shipments 231125 - don't allow sku 2 sku transfer from component to kit parent
232616 - fixed loading only 20 products in Warehouse transfer details Activity(pending mode)
widened the bin field on picklists
-WFS picklist added
-Scan Login QR code with encrypted password
-adjustment reason field added when adding a product to a bin for the first time.
- fixed android 10 issue with scanning bin to open transfer/adjust dialog from product bins page
- fixed crashing when clicking on the action menu icon from the add product to bin dialog
-fixed skutack logs not being created on devices running Android 10
-Fixed infinite scrolling on Warehouse transfer list
-201774 - add icon to allow scanning replacement sku in product based and orderbased picking
-231670 - Fixed requiring serial scan in sku to sku transfer when validate serials globally is disabled
-174372 -sort d FBA boxes from newest to oldest
230459 - show case qty on fba picklist if enabled
-fixed vendor central picking issue
225537 - only show prep sessions for the fba shipment they are picking 227223-Don't allow receiving/unreceiving to Exported POs 228812 - Images not displaying in kit based picklists 225309 - Show lot number and exp date on warehouse bin movement 229365-Allow scanning to open pick dialog on the second page of kit assembly work order 229982 - losing receiving data in bulk mode when the page is refreshed
216700 - Changed the message on Product Bins Empty List view
- new module for kit parent lot numbers
226211 - bug when selecting component lots on kit assembly
-223197 - Fixes for Kit Assembly with Lot Expiry
-restock list lot expiries
-222952 - Add ability to print picklist barcode label
- 221907- fixed focus on interim bin when creating putaway list
223590 - added to include non-sellable in bin suggestions for sku to sku transfer
-ITF14 barcode scan in FBA box Content module
-Crashing in list activity
-android 10 fix for focusing on scan field when Add Product to Warehouse Transfer dialog is opened
201112 - can't print asin or FBA labls from PO activity 201433 - serials not scanning in shipverify Scan skublox shipping barcode to print the order label and mark the slot as empty. 211274 - No UPCs in Kit Assembly work orders 211111 - Printing wrong quantity on label fixed images not showing on picklists(any sku with a space or "/") added the ability to view PO Item notes Tracking lot numbers Fixed scanning in Picklist on Android 10 Bulk bin transfer fixed crash when entering a bin that matches a suggestion
198716 - SkuStack-order date 198157 - issue with ITF14 barcodes when doing a cycle count 198569 - Add ability to search a product by ASIN/FNSKU 198707 - we are not sorting alphabetically when picklist is filtered
187222-allow manage serials - if disabled, then user cannot toggle require serial scan on product 187206-filtering by region on products page of order based picking 187206-bin suggestions should get deleted if no more inventory in that bin to pick from 187954-pulling up invnetory disabled PO's 185047-added validition to prevent assemblys from being assembled more than once. 185895-Prevent disabled bins from being used anywhere in skustack 188541-Fixed adjusting qty on an item already on the put away list (was calling a non existing web service) 188541-Fixed searching put away lists by status 188542-Prevent vc shipments for wrong warehouse from loading in skustack 187756-Validate that serial is in the bin for sku to sku transfers 181145-searching lpn in warehouse inventory transfer 182195-validate serials for ship verify 187176-page 1 and 2 are updated on kit based picking when going to orderbased from the kit based 188077-Fixed unpicking Vendor Central Shipments from skustack - with serials 194628-DHL tracking starting with 42 was getting cut off 191182-only pulling up po's from the wh logged into if client is enabled -dont bring in cancelled fba shipments 189821-vendor central search all 188413-Don't allow adding qty to a new bin without scanning serials (for serialized products) 194766-Only add items that actually were zeroed out to the calc queue (for initial warehouse bin import) 191299-Some images not showing on skustack 191328-fba shipped bin movements deducted before bins were enabled 195399-New statuses for kit assembly work orders 195272-Searching all POs not working properly 195794-unpicking action should say UNPICK 196592-Limit Picking to up 50 orders in one batch 196226-Fixed to check "Open adjustment window by default" setting when clicking the search button to bring up the item 195315-Fixed error with order based picking when lot/exp logic is implemented 195315-Fixed error saving lot/exp when adding qty to a bin from ProductWarehouseBin activity 197352-Issue creating kitAssemblyPrepSessions 195676-Issue Opening tickets through skustack -when clicking ship icon from orderDetailsActivity and PicklistOrderBasedActivityPageThree bring to exact ship instead of saying coming soon
185438-Skustack Crash when clearing the qty field of the adjust dialog 185310-Not updating Warehouse Inventory Transfers status properly when its an FBA removal 168933-Allow empty bin cycle count audit report (when the bin was empty, to begin with and the user is now verifying that it is still empty by not scanning any products) 105216-removed option to search by binId which didn't work anyway. 185702-Vendor Central Picklist not working 185472-Fixed the issue where the save button didn't come up on pick dialog (after the first scan)when assembling kits with serials 182669-Only validate that the serial picked for warehouse transfer is in the correct bin based on skustack app setting IsRequireSerialScanForBinTransfer Removed 'Edit' button (that didn't do anything) from the new warehouse transfer activity 166929-On warehouse to warehouse transfer search results, only show transfers from or two the selected warehouse (based on the transfer status) 185563-Fixed Rounding AverageCosts on SKU to SKU Transfers 183223-Not saving serials for multi item kit orders in Ship Verify 187222- if allow manage serials disabled, then user cannot toggle require serial scan on product 185151-not requiring product scan on kitassembly picklist order activity 187247-Vendor Central Shipment Not picking 187195-Added back the 'Generate SKU' button on Create Products dialog, with functionality 187292-refreshing fba removals does not bring up all 187334-rma search by order source rma Id 187211-Added option to print ITF14 barcode labels
178689 - can't adjust qty with alias 177964 - long serial number cycle count 179680 - issue with put away list 179572 - Infinity scroll for W2W transfer 179543 - Picklist Sorting by bin with most Quantity 180129 - PO not showing up via Tracking number 180153 - Error with picklists SkuStack 180336 - Picklist item with a bunch of order - error 180684 - Not letting unpick an item after having replaced it 181486 - Put away spelling error 165359 - Manage Bin Search Feature 164832 - Pick Vendor Central shipments from skustack
-153782 -Show if a label is required when picking FBA shipment in skustack
-171200 - work assemblies not coming up in ss when in non-bin enabled warehouse
-170345 - FBA allocation alert in skustack from PO,
177847 - Skustack ticket creation visibility in the ticket notes,
177344 - RMA receiving with an alias
-updating warehouse transfer Product when a product just added
-177964 - long serial number cycle count
-177976 - clear alias from textView after it was added
-173903 - Ship Verify - Workflow
169806 -Long serial won't scan, Ship verify with serials, 169699 - No serial for replacement 69882 - Serial Length Not Being Followed, 169327 - creating put away list did not transfer serials
Added bin qty next to the bin suggestions
166919-Add pagination to Putaway list
167150-google express orders crashing
167149-Can't see bin name when filtering on the movement page
167089-qty on manage putaway lists page
166928-Fba picklist refresh change the picked/total to only what's on the current page
167089-qty on putaway list
166203-cant assemble kits
166567-Implementation of tracking number field for POs
145167-product image not showing on box content page
167105-ShipVerify Serial numbers
Pagination with PurchaseOrder, 165927,164479,164363,163039,162675,159935,163229, 154789, 166638
Fixed receive warehouse transfer bug.
Only download if running DBVS version 7518 or higher Fix the login crash that was happing on some devices using 3.39
Skustack Basic, Lot Expiration tracking,#148475 - S- SkuStack Workflow (case qty with cycle count), #150039 - FM - SKUSTACK: Would like to see UOM in SKUStack guns to make picking easier, #155487 - BI- Dimensions not Saving in SkuStack, #155813 - Split Kits in Skustack #153955 - force scan option - splitting for pick vs putaway, #147058 - SKU Stack transfers are not working. #146624 - Crash when creating a new WH transfer, #146561 - LPBS - kits assembled and shipped but components still in the WH, #149740 - Create tickets via SkuStack, #150814 - don't receive a serial into a bin with the same value as the bin name, #150833 - view and edit a bin's unit capacity, #152027 - Scan barcode on FBA shipment label open the box content, #155813 - Split Kits in Skustack, #157890 - DPE - FBA shipment didn't leave picking bin, #158475 - skustack logging - handle password more discreetly, #158321 - SkuStack - images not showing, #158319 - Kit Assembly Work Order, #158319 - Kit Assembly Work Order, #161920 - jb- skustack crashing when Bluetooth is disabled,